let go of your old mind

 “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is, his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2

If you want peace, healing and freedom in your life don’t fit your mind into the culture around you.

Hi! My name is Jacqueline Blas and I’m a friendly, goal driven, solution-oriented strong woman. My clients like to create powerful relationships because they know they are strong and love to be challenged. I’m passionate about helping leaders to transform their lives, organizations and relationships. For years, I was stuck in my mission because I needed to learn first how to put the big rocks in the right place. In the past, I did things that were not aligned with my values because I was dominated by unconscious patterns. But now I’m out of that cave.

I’d love to help you to lead with wisdom to overcome the storms. See how you can work with me to discover how to create a better world for yourself and others. 

Most professionals won’t tell you this, but we need faith to reach our dreams and goals, why? Because growing and fighting for our dreams require us to be brave, patient, resilient, courageous and really loving to ourselves. You will need someone higher than yourself that will strengthen you and inspire you to reach your goal when the winds will blow hard against your mountain. In my personal experience of growth, that person was Jesus, it took me years to realize that fighting alone was not going to get me so far and because of that, I have designed my sessions and programs in a way that you can get maximum results in the shortest time. In my practice, I use a method that has a combination of Christian wisdom, positive psychology and NLP (neuro-linguistic programming). I have a Professional ACTP Coaching certification from an accredited ICF program and I work under the code of ethics, more about their standards can be found at the International Coaching Federation. In addition, I have experience improving the quality of life of clients around the world. My background in communications, business, finance and 20 + years of working on my own personal development help me to guide you in this process. But beyond my qualifications, I love my work and I am really passionate about helping people to develop their full potential and dreams. If you are feeling confused or struggling to progress in your career, business or relationships don’t hesitate to contact me for a consultation.




    To achieve anything, we first need to understand deeply who we are. The trick in this step is to figure it out and recognize who is who inside of us and learn where our thoughts are coming from.


    Your Mindset plays a huge role in your professional or personal success and challenges. Our mindset shapes the way we experience and approach life. Having the right mindset give us conviction, drive and self-motivation.


    Having a positive thought is not enough until we do something about it. Action is crucial for keep growing, together we will create an action plan and I will help you to stay on track to prevent stress.