the mindset of transformational leaders

What is a mindset?

A mindset is the way we typically think, interpreted, and respond to various situations. In a few words our mindset is the collection of our thoughts. And do you know how our thoughts are shaped? by the collection of our beliefs, and our beliefs are the ones that shape our behavior. Beliefs (conscious and unconscious) determines what happen in our lives, how we perceive ourselves and how we perceive others.

What is Mindset transformation?

Transformation is like metamorphosis – a process that happens when we all increase self-awareness and make changes in our beliefs and thinking structures.

Who is a leader?

It is a person that leads, that directs. I like to think of a leader as the conductor that is directing an orchestra. For example a leader can be a mentor, a CEO, a manager, a spiritual director, a politician or a parent. Basically anyone with some authority that makes a positive impact on the people around them.

But who can lead in this way?

In my life I have met a few leaders that were able to lead in this way. I admired their consistency, respect for others and wisdom. These leaders had a few things in common, character, authenticity, integrity, and courage. But how can leaders have all these characteristics?

From my personal experience I can say that these traits can be acquired from following a role model. Following someone that has high morals and ethics can help us to make decisions based on personal values and not on personal gain. I am a Christian woman and for me Jesus was the perfect leadership role model to follow. When I was studying to become a professional coach, I was surprised at how many professionals in my area could not escape the realistic truth of Jesus’s  great understanding of human psychology. All the research I have done about positive psychology and modern neuroscience drove me to clarify my thinking and rediscover the treasure of Jesus teachings.

Some people think that following Jesus is impractical and idealistic. However, there is nothing more realistic than his teachings about how to endure greatness. Henry C. Link was a leading psychologist who was alienated from the church for twenty-five years, who later came back to the church because in his practice he realized he could not escape the realistic truth of Jesus’ insights into man’s inner life.

Jesus leadership style not only teaches us how to be greatest servants, visionaries, team builders and motivators. But also teaches us how to forgive and overlook offenses. His way leading is a love-based leadership centered on service to others rather than service to self.

I have chosen to follow Jesus leadership style because He taught me through his words how to transform my heart. I have learned that I cannot lead like Jesus without having Him. Jesus emphasizes freedom of followers to make their own choices. His is not a manipulative self-centered leadership that seeks to fulfill his own needs. His leadership springs from love. However; it is not a condescending love. For instance, Jesus reprimanded Peter in a kind and firm way, and he did it because he loved him.

The reason why I have brought up my spiritual views in this blog is because I cannot ignore the most important part of leadership.

Leaders without values are nothing

Many people in the self-development industry unfortunately teach us that the only solutions to our growth problems are self-awareness and improving performance. Although this is part of our growth, it alone becomes an illusion because human beings need someone to learn from or look at for reference. I would not be here if it would not have been for Jesus’ grace. His leadership example helped me to be humbler and gave me the right motivations to help others to reach their full potential.

Many leaders ignore this truth because they think Jesus is too soft and the result of this thinking is often having poor performing teams.

However, as I got more mature in the word of God, it became important to me to separate the truth that Jesus himself spoke about from the man-made traditions

We tend to think that people with integrity are perfect, but no one is. Sometimes our egos might get in the way. However, if we hold Jesus’ teachings in our hearts, they can help us to learn about how to be humble, assertive, patience and courageous. All this is what make great leaders to overcome challenges, be more persuasive, build better teams and be remembered even after they pass away. Who is your role model? whoever you decide on, it will determine the quality of your work as a leader.


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